Friday, December 9, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 12.9.22

 Hello Parents! 

We welcomed Mr. Albert, insect enthusiast, this week and heard about his adventures traveling the world and capturing rare insects. Students viewed part of his large collection of specimens. 
Thank you to everyone who donated items for our Ancient Greece celebration!

Please email your teacher if you would like to request a parent-teacher conference on January 2, 3, or 4.

Please consider signing up to donate an item or to help in the classroom for our Winter Celebration on Friday, Dec. 16th. 

2C still has sign up slots to fill:

Important Dates:
"Bed in Summer" Recitations: Monday, December 12
Insect Test: Tuesday, December 13
Early Release: 12:30 p.m. - December 14, 15, 16
Winter Celebration: Friday, December 16
Quarter 2 ends: Friday, December 16

Conversation Prompts:
Ask your child to tell you more about what they observed and learned during Mr. Albert's presentation.
Why was Hercules a hero?
Draw a bar model for this word problem: There are 18 children at a swimming pool, 6 leave. How many children are at the swimming pool now?
Give an adjective to describe a cat or the weather. 
Which part of speech can an adjective describe? (a noun or pronoun)
How many territories and provinces are in the country of Canada?
What mountain range is in the western part of the United States?


Scholars will continue to learn about the geography of the Americas and learn about important geographical features of Central and South America.

Monday we will review information from our Insect Unit. On Tuesday, students will show what they know by completing an Insect Test. Please help your child use their Insect Study Guide to prepare.

This week we will read about Narcissus and Icarus, and we'll experience another version of the Trojan War story. Students will enjoy seasonal and holiday texts on Thursday and Friday.

Students will recite "Bed in Summer" in its entirety beginning Monday, December 12. Scholars will continue learning about adjectives, in particular the article adjectives, "a", "an", and "the." They will also write based on a version of the Greek myth, "Pegasus and Bellerophon."

Students have learned how to make a part-whole bar model to represent a word problem. Up next, they will learn about a comparison bar model with two bars rather than one. We will also work on two-step and two-part challenging word problems. Please continue to encourage your child to persevere and try several strategies as well as use flexible thinking while problem-solving.

Thank you! 
Your Second Grade Team

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Second Grade Newsletter 5.26.23

Congratulations on completing 2 nd  Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They mad...