Friday, September 30, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 9.30.22

Hello Parents!


Parent Teacher Conferences:

We are so excited to share your scholar's progress! Parent Teacher Conferences are mandatory, and they are offered on October 17th-19th. A sign up link was sent. Thank you to the many that have already signed up. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Reminder: Fall Field Trip to the Musical Instrument Museum is Monday, August 24th. Don't forget to send your child with a water bottle, labeled snack, and bagged lunch that day. 

Important Dates:
Tuesday, October 4th: Science Quiz-The Water Cycle
Thursday, October 6th: Unit 2 Math Assessment
Thursday, October 6th: Second Grade Papa John's Pizza Party
Friday, October 7th: 12:30 Dismissal
October 10 - 14: Fall Break
Monday, October 17th-19th: Mandatory Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 19th - Students Return-Early Release

Conversation Starters:
When do you need to rename ones? When do you need to rename tens?
Which type of sentence is this: "Dr. Dolittle, why do you keep so many pets?" (Interrogative/Question)
What is the longest river in Asia? (Answer: The Yangtze River)
Can you sing the Water Cycle Song? (Water travels in a cycle, yes, it does...)
What were the main events of the story The Emperor's New Clothes?

This week we learned about China by discovering important symbols and land formations.  They did wonderful in class as we worked as a group writing this.  This coming week we will continue to learn about China with Confucius and the importance of ancestors. This week we will have an optional at home page they can choose to do, which is their Family Tree of their ancestors up to their great-grandparents.  Again, this is optional and students will be welcomed to share their family trees beginning Tuesday, October 25th.

This week students will create clouds in a vase and simulate precipitation to predict what will happen as the water reaches the ground.  We will review the water cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation before taking a short quiz over our last cycle on Tuesday.

Students will enjoy the beauty of Fairy Tales this week as we read and discuss Beauty and the Beast

Students will write based on passages from, 101 Dalmatians. We will continue to study the four types of sentences-declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. There will not be a poem for recitation this week, though we will study and read, "Something Told the Wild Geese."

Monday, students will practice adding up to four numbers using different strategies. The remainder of the week, we will review all the addition strategies and renaming using the standard algorithm before taking a Unit 2 assessment on Thursday.

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Second Grade Newsletter 5.26.23

Congratulations on completing 2 nd  Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They mad...