Friday, November 4, 2022

Second Grade Newsletter 11.4.22

 Hello Parents!

Students enjoyed a lovely presentation from Ballet Etudes today. This signaled the coming of winter along with the colder weather. Please don't forget to send your student with a sweater. Thank you!

Important Dates: 
Math Mid-Chapter Checkup-Subtraction: Tuesday, Nov. 8th
Spalding Test: Thursday, Nov. 10th
Veteran's Day (no school): Friday, Nov. 11th

Great Hearts Night: Tuesday, Nov. 15th

Medieval Fair: Saturday, November 19th from 11 am-2 pm

Thanksgiving Break (no school): November 23-25th

Ancient Greece Celebration: Friday, Dec. 2nd

Winter Concert: Wednesday, Dec. 7th 
Reminders:  We are seeking items for donation for our Kingdom meeting on Wednesday, November 9th. If you are able to send the following items in, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you! 

·         Shipping Boxes

·         Toilet Paper Rolls (just the cardboard)

·         Paper Towel Rolls (just the cardboard)

·         Paper plates (strong, Dixie-type) 

·         Plastic or foam small cups

·         Popsicle sticks 

·         Pipe cleaners or play-doh


Conversation Prompts:
What is a city-state? (A city-state is a city that includes surrounding areas and has its own government. They are often walled cities and near a coast.)
Who was allowed to participate in the Assembly? (only male citizens over the age of 18)
How do insects move? Why do they move?
How does Chester show virtue after accidentally eating the Bellini's two-dollar bill?
How does 8-5 help you solve 80-50 and 800-500?
What is the difference between flower and flour?
Where does a comma go in an address?

We will continue learning about Ancient Greece. Students will compare and contrast ancient Sparta and ancient Athens. Then, they will learn about the Greek alphabet and language.

We will continue to learn more about insects this week including insect flight. Next, we will begin our exploration of insect metamorphosis.


We will  read chapter 10-12 of the classic, The Cricket in Times Square. Students will begin working on independent narrations of chapters from this book.

We will continue working on our narration  and dictation exercises with lessons from “The Borrowers” by Mary Norton. Students will learn about contractions and learn to change two words into a contraction and a contraction back into its full form. This week's poem is "Windy Nights" by Robert Louis Stevenson. It will be recited the week of November 21st.


Students will review the subtractions strategies they have learned thus far before completing our mid-chapter check-up quiz on Tuesday. Afterwards, we will move on to learning to subtraction with renaming, this is a challenge concept for students, please ask them to explain their thinking during their homework practice. Thank you!

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Second Grade Newsletter 5.26.23

Congratulations on completing 2 nd  Grade! We’re proud of each and every student. They learned many skills and interesting things. They mad...